<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> RayPack > 7.3 u6 > User Guide > Command Line Tools PowerShell Automation |
Certain actions on MSI and RPP projects are exposed via the RayPack PowerShell module.
In order to get started, make sure that the module is imported. Invoke the following command in PowerShell terminal of your choice:
Import-Module "<RayPackInstallDir>\Libraries\Raynet.RayPack.Automation.dll"
You can show the available commands by invoking the following PowerShell code:
(Get-module Raynet.RayPack.Automation).ExportedCommands
The following script opens an RPP project, changes one of its properties and then builds MSI out of it.
$project = Open-Project -File "C:\demo\input.rpp";
[string]$msiPath = "C:\demo\output.msi";
Set-Property $project -Name "ProductVersion" -Value "1.2.3";
ConvertTo-Msi -Project $project -Target $msiPath -UpdateProductCode $true -UpdateFileProperties $true -MediaLayout CompressedInternal | Out-Null;
Close-Project -Project $project;