Command Line Bootstrapper

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RayPack > 7.3 u6 > User Guide > Advanced Topics > Customizing Bootstrappers 

Command Line Bootstrapper

Customizing Bootstrapper Templates


The bootstrapper templates can be customized by changing the following resources:


(where ($PackPointDir) is the PackPoint location)
This template is used for installation wrappers.


(where ($PackPointDir)is the PackPoint location)
This template is used for uninstall wrappers.


In each template, custom pre- and post-commands can be adjusted. RayPack inserts the content of installation and uninstallation routine by replacing the following placeholders:





with appropriate content. For example, a template can be defined like below:


@echo off

echo Installing ($ProductName)


echo The installation is finished


Advanced users can specify different default templates per-profile. To do so, open a profile with any XML editor, locate the following XML elements

and define them like in the example below:





         <CmdTemplates TargetName="($ProductName)_($ProductVersion)_install.cmd">



         <CmdTemplates TargetName="($ProductName)_($ProductVersion)_uninstall.cmd">









Special variables $(PackPointDir), $(ProductName) and $(ProductVersion) can be used to avoid hardcoding the PackPoint path, product name and product version respectively.



Be aware:

The default RayPack 7.3 u6 profile does not define any custom template so it might be required to manually create the XML structure described above.