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RayPack > 7.3 u6 > User Guide > PackDesigner > MSIX / APPX Projects > Opening MSIX Projects > File Extensions 





Logo: Click on Select file... in order to add a logo to the file extension.

Application: Select the application for the file extension from the dropdown menu.

Name: The name of the file type association. It can be used to organize and group file types. The name must be all lower case characters with no spaces.

Info tip: Th s field contains a string that provides additional info to the user about the file type.

Desired view: Defines the desired amount of screen space to use when the appointment launches. The following options are available:


oUse less

oUse half

oUse more

oUse minimum

Allow silent default take over: If activated, the app will appear in an Open with list, but it will not be the default app for the file type.

Use URL: If activated, the file will be opened with the URL path directly.

Always unsafe: If activated, a dialog box with a security warning is displayed.

Open is safe: If activated, a dialog box with a standard warning is displayed.