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PackBench > 8.0 > User Guide > Advanced Topics > Configuration Files 


Client configuration is stored in XML format in the following location:




Below is a sample content of the configuration file:


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<ClientConfig LastProjectId="0" ProjectSelector="true" Animations="true" Language="en" Mode="Standalone">












  <ServerTcpConnection Host="localhost" Port="23624" />



ClientConfig Element

Contains the general settings of PackBench.


Two values are supported: Standalone to use a standalone configuration, and ServerClient to use client.

Defines the identifier of last project in use.

When set to True, animated elements of the User Interface will be used. Set it to False to disable rich animations.

This value is reserved for further use. Currently, only English is supported.

This value is reserved for further use.


DatabaseConnection Element

This element defines how PackBench accesses the SQL database. This element is ignored in the Server-Client scenario.


Defines the type of database to be used. Currently supported values are: MsSql2008MySqlMySql2012SqlLite. It is recommended to leave the default value MsSql2008 for full compatibility with SQL Server 2008 and newer. Support for SQLite and MySql is experimental.

ServerAddress (REQUIRED)
Name or IP address of the database server.

DatabaseName (REQUIRED)
The name of the database.

The name of the instance. When empty or missing, a default instance is used.

Determines whether Windows Authentication will be used. When set to False, empty, or missing then SQL Authentication is used instead. SQL Authentication requires that the UserName and UserPassword elements are specified.

User name used to authenticate to SQL Server using SQL Authentication.

Password used to authenticate to SQL Server using SQL Authentication. This value may be written in open text, but when configured from PackBench UI it is always encrypted.

InMemory (SQLite only)
When set to True, then in-memory database mode will be used. When equal to False, empty, or missing then a single ordinary disk file will be used.

FilePath (SQLite only)
File path of the database.


ServerTcpConnection Element

This element defines how PackBench accesses the server:


The name or IP address of PackBench server. For standalone mode, this value must be always localhost.

A numeric value specifying the port on which the connection occurs. Standard value is 23624.