Migration from Previous Versions

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Raynet One Data Hub > 14.0 > Release Notes 

Migration from Previous Versions

This version is backward incompatible with release 12.0.

When migrating from versions 12.1 - 12.5, first perform the migration to version 12.6 Update 5, and then proceed with 12.6 Update 5 -> 14.0.

For versions 12.6, there is semi-automated migration process, which ensures that both the server and the agent can be migrated, together with user data.


For detailed information about the migration process, refer to the Installation Guide.


Migration from RayVentory Data Hub 12.6


The migration steps may vary depending on your setup (Windows/Docker) and the database engine in use (SQL Server/MariaDB).


Windows (MSI) + SQL Server

1.Install or upgrade the MSI server by following the MSI installation dialogs.

2.Access the web UI and create a new API key.

3.Download the latest version of the agent.

4.Install or upgrade the MSI agent.

5.Enter the newly created API key into the appropriate MSI dialog.


Windows (MSI) + MariaDB

1.Back up the appsettings.json file.

2.Install the MSI and select the "do not configure SQL Server" option in the MSI dialog.

3.Restore the appsettings.json file from your backup.

4.Update the connection strings in the file. Add AllowUserVariables=True;UseAffectedRows=False to both connection strings if you're using MariaDB.
Server=mariadb,3307;User ID=root;Password=raynetRootPassword;Database=DataHub_Default;AllowUserVariables=True;UseAffectedRows=False

5.Restart IIS.

6.The database migration will occur on the first start.

7.If the web application reports a database version error or other errors (such as when creating a table), restart IIS again to resolve the issue.



1.Ensure that AllowUserVariables=True;UseAffectedRows=False is set for MariaDB and Encrypt=False if you're using MSSQL, in the connection string within the compose file, under the web section.

2.Start Docker Compose:
docker compose up

3.The database migration will occur on the first start.

4.If the web application reports a database version error, restart the web container.

5.Restart the web container.

6.Go to the web UI and create a new API key.

7.Copy the created API key and insert it into the Docker Compose file under DataHubApiKey.

8.If you are using a non-dockerized Windows Agent, update the agent configuration.

9.Restart the agent container:
docker compose down
docker compose up

10.If Windows agents are connected, restart their agent services

Breaking Changes and Important Notes

Some tasks and reports might need to be re-imported to benefit from changes and fixes brought by this release. This is especially valid for SQL-based tasks, where the logic is encapsulated as a SQL script in the Task Configuration.

The server should be always installed with the matching version of the agent. Mixing versions (for example 14.0 Data Hub and 12.1 Data Hub Agent) is not recommended and may lead to unexpected issues.