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Raynet One Data Hub > 14.0 > Operations Supplement > Software Licenses 


This product uses Ace-builds developed by

This product uses Angular developed by the Angular Team at Google.

This product uses angular-resize-event developed by Martin Volek.

This product uses angular-uuid developed by Ivan Hayes.

This product uses AutoMapper developed by Jimmy Bogard.

This product uses AutoMapper.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection developed by Jimmy Bogard.

This product uses Bootstrap developed by Twitter Inc. and the Bootstrap Authors.

This product uses developed by Damien Miller, Ryan D. Emerle, and Chris McKee.

This product uses Castle Windsor developed by the Castle Project.

This product uses Chart.js developed by the Chart.js Contributors.

This product uses ClassList.js developed by Eli Grey.

This product uses CodeMirror developed by Marijn Haverbeke, Adrian Heine, and others.

This product uses CommandLineParser developed by Giacomo Stelluti Scala.

This product uses coverlet.collector developed by Toni Solarin-Sodara.

This product uses cRonstrue developed by Brady Holt.

This product uses css-vars-ponyfill developed by John Hildenbiddle.

This product uses CsvHelper developed by Josh Close.

This product uses Cytoscape developed by The Cytoscape Collaboration.

This product uses Cytoscape.js developed by the Cytoscape Consortium.

This product uses Cytoscape.js-dagre developed by the Cytoscape Consortium.

This product uses Cytoscape.js-popper developed by the Cytoscape Consortium.

This product uses DataTables developed by SpryMedia Ltd.

This product uses date-fns developed by Sasha Koss and Lesha Koss.

This product uses DevExtreme.Angular developed by Developer Express Inc.

This product uses DevExtreme.Quill developed by, Jason Chen, Slab, and Developer Express Inc.

This product uses DNParser developed by Pete Everett.

This product uses ExcelDataReader.

This product uses FileSaver.js developed by Eli Grey.

This product uses FluentValidation.AspNetCore developed by Jeremy Skinner.

This product uses guid-typescript developed by Nicolas Silva dos Santos.

This product uses JetBrains.Annotations developed by JetBrains.

This product uses jQuery developed by the OpenJS Foundation.

This product uses jQuery UI developed by the OpenJS foundation.

This product uses JSHint developed by Anton Kovalyov.

This product uses jszip developed by Stuart Knightley, David Duponchel, Franz Buchinger, and António Afonso.

This product uses LdapForNet developed by Alexander Chermyanin.

This product uses LinqKit.Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore developed by Joseph Albahari, Tomas Petricek, and Scott Smith.

This product uses log4net developed by the Apache Software Foundation.

This product uses Knockout developed by Steven Sanderson and the Knockout.js team.

This product uses MailKit developed by the .NET Foundation.

This product uses MediaTypeMap developed by Samuel Neff.

This product uses MicroKnights.Log4NetAdoNetAppender developed by Frank Løvendahl Nielsen.

This product used Nebular developed by Akveo.

This product used Newtonsoft.Json developed by James Newton-King.

This product uses ng-bootstrap developed by the Angular ng-bootstrap team.

This product uses ng2-charts developed by Dmitriy Shekhovtsov and Valor Software.

This product uses NGX Log Monitor developed by Aslan Vatsaev.

This product uses ngx-ace-wrapper developed by Zef Oy.

This product uses ngx-codemirror developed by Scott Cooper.

This product uses ngx-monaco-editor developed by Atul Kumar.

This product uses ngx-text-diff developed by Alfredo Benassi.

This product uses ngx-translate developed by Olivier Combe.

This product uses ngx-translate-cache developed by Jaime Gonzalez.

This product uses Nito.AsyncEx developed by Stephen Clearly.

This product uses node-encode32 developed by Ken Woodruff.

This product uses Popper.js developed by Frederico Zivolo.

This product uses Quartz developed by the Terracotta, Inc.

This product uses RestSharp developed by John Sheehan, Andrew Young, and Alexey Zimarev.

This product uses RxJS.

This product uses scroll-into-view developed by Kory Nunn.

This product uses Swashbuckle.AspNetCore developed by Richard Morris.

This product uses System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager developed by the .NET Foundation.

This product uses System.Data.Odbc developed by the .NET Foundation.

This product uses System.Data.SqlClient developed by the .NET Foundation.

This product uses System.DirectoryServices developed by the .NET Foundation.

This product uses System.DirectoryServices.Protocols developed by the .NET Foundation.

This product uses System.Drawing.Common developed by the .NET Foundation.

This product uses System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt developed by the .NET Foundation.

This product uses System.Management developed by the .NET Foundation.

This product uses System.Net.NameResolution developed by the Microsoft Corporation.

This product uses System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe by the .NET Foundation.

This product uses System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs by the .NET Foundation.

This product uses System.Security.Permission by the .NET Foundation.

This product uses Tippy.js developed by atomiks.

This product uses Topshelf developed by the Topshelf Project.

This product uses TypeScript developed by the Microsoft Corporation.

This product uses Web Animations.

This product uses YamlDotNet developed by Antoine Aubry.

This product uses zone.js developed by Google, Inc.