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Raynet One Data Hub > 14.0 > Installation Guide > Data Hub > Docker 


The default configuration consists of three containers:


A database powered by Microsoft SQL Server Express 2019 (image mssql/server:2019-latest)

A container with backend and frontend for Data Hub server (image raynetgmbh/rayventory-datahub)

A container with Agent (image raynetgmbh/rayventory-datahubagent)


The default configuration is standalone and should work out-of-the-box.

Manual installation

DataHub Server can be installed from the following image:




The following variables are available when creating the container from image raynetgmbh/rayventory-datahub:


Environment variable

Description and sample value


A connection string used to connect to the program database, containing global settings and metadata.


Example value:
mydatabaseserver.local,1433;Database=datahub;User ID=sa;Password=Start123



A base connection string to the server, where tenant databases will be stored. Bear in mind, that Data Hub takes over the creation of the database when launched for the first time.

Example value:
Server=mydatabaseserver.local,1433;Initial Catalog=master;User ID=sa;Password=Start123


The driver type defines whether mssql or mysql are used as the program database for Data Hub.


Example value:

mssql or mysql



The path to the directory where the logs created by every task execution will be stored.


Example value:



The path where the Kotlin connectors are stored.


Example value:



A GUID value, representing the default tenant ID. When started for the first time, a tenant ID with the given ID will be created. If the value is not provided, a new random GUID will be selected.

Example value:


The log level that will be used. It is recommended to set the log level to either "Warning" or "Error".


Example value:



The base URL, under which the browser will access the front-end. This URL must not reference internal Docker services. You should also include a port, which is exposed by the Docker engine. The DataHub runs inside the Docker on port 80 - this port should be exposed externally, either as-is or using a different port number.


Example value:


The following variables are available when creating the container from image raynetgmbh/rayventory-datahubagent:


Environment variable

Description and sample value


The URL of the Data Hub server. This may be an URL referring the internal service name, when the image is started from a docker compose file.


Example value:


A GUID value, representing the tenant ID. You can get your tenant ID by opening the Administration > Agents page, and pressing a button to install a new agent.

Example value:


Defines the path where the Kotlin connectors are stored by the Data Hub Agent.


Example value:


Installation with docker-compose

The easiest way to run the image with reasonable default is to use docker-compose command.


1.Get the docker-compose.yml file from Git Hub repository

oDefault compose file starts three containers: database, server and agent. It exposes internal port 80 and makes it available as port 81 to the host. Additionally, it defines a connection string using SQL authentication, with default user sa and password Start123!@#.

2.Adjust the content of the compose file, for example by setting custom user and password to the database. See section Manual installation for more information.

oTo use another SQL Server (outside of the Docker container), adjust the connection string in the web service, and drop the database service and sql_data volume from the definition.

oTo prevent starting a Docker-based agent, drop the agent service from the definition.

3.In the folder containing the downloaded definition, run the following command:
docker compose up -d.

4.The server will be started. This may take a while.

5.Login to http://localhost:81 and use the following credentials:
       Login: root

 Password: raynet

6.Provide the valid license for the product.

7.After log-in, change your root password and create application users.


RayVentory Data Hub is available on docker hub:

You can use tags 12.3 (recommended) or stable to get the last 12.3 or the last stable version respectively.