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Raynet One Data Hub > 14.0 > Installation Guide > Data Hub > Windows > MariaDB 


After Raynet One Data Hub has been installed, it is necessary to edit the appsettings.json. The file can be found in the InstallDir, by default C:\Program Files (x86)\RayVentoryDataHub.


In the connectionStrings section, change the following information:


1.Change Driver from mssql to mysql.

2.Change System so that it matches with the database server that will be used. The following options need to be changed.


User ID


3.Copy the System connectionstring and replace the ReportDatabase connectionstring with the one that has been used for System.



  "connectionStrings": {

    "Driver": "mssql",

    "System": "Server=;Database=RayVentoryDataHub;
      User Id=raynet;Password=raynet123",

    "ReportDatabase": "Data Source=;Initial Catalog=master;
      User Id=raynet;Password=raynet123"



When starting Raynet One Data Hub for the first time, all necessary tables will now be created in the database.