Comparison and other operators

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ETL > 14.0 > Implementation Guide > Tutorial and implementation guide > Steps > Filtering 

Comparison and other operators

The following operators are supported:


Description and usage


The value is greater than


The value is greater or equal than


The value is less than


The value is less or equal than


The value is not equal to


The value is equal than


The value contains a string


The value starts with


The value ends with

The syntax for defining this operators is also shared with Mongo. You define the name of the column as a key, the value is another object with your operator, and its value is the value you want to use. A few examples with explanation:

Name is not equal to Marcin:




        "$ne": "Marcin"




Age is greater than 17




        "$gt": 17





CompanyName contains Raynet




        "$contains": "Raynet"





CompanyName does not contain Raynet (negation of contains)






            "$contains": "Raynet"


