Manual Conventions

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Raynet One Data Hub > 14.0 > Connectors > Introduction 

Manual Conventions

The following typesetting conventions are used in this manual:

Cross references to headings or chapters in this manual, or to other manuals, are shown in italics:
“See Raynet One Data Hub Adminstration and User Guide for...”

Quotations from your computer screen (titles, prompts, and so on) are shown in bold:
“The Add Variable dialog appears.”

Code syntax, file samples, directory paths, entries that you may type on screen, and the like are shown in a monospaced font:
“The default directory is C:\RayVentory...

Italics may also be used for emphasis: “This manual is not intended...”

Bold may also be used for inline headings: “Target: Indicates a target frame...”

Two note formats are used in this manual


This is the basic format for giving additional information to the current topic.
It can come with four different headings:


Be aware:
This note format contains important information related to your current activity. You should not skip over this text.


This format is used for items of interest that relate to the current discussion


Best practice:
If there is a best practice approach to the current topic you can decide if you want to follow it, or stick to your own plan.


Tips are designed to help you find the easiest and quickest way to work with Raynet One Data Hub.


The second format is for very serious alerts.




The access token will expire 300 seconds (or 5 minutes) after being generated. It must be regenerated before this.