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Give a time interval for which the logs should be fetched. Leave empty to fetch no logs at all.Give a time period in the format of P(n)Y(n)M(n)DT(n)H(n)M(n)S for a time period ending now. For example, P1M for the last month.
Technical Name |
logs_time_interval |
Category |
Functional |
Type |
String null |
Default Value |
null |
Example Values |
null, "2020-10-01T14:15Z/2020-11-20T16:00Z", "2020-10-01T14:15Z/P2DT5H45M", "P1DT1H45M/2020-11-01T14:15Z", "PT21H45M" |
The interval has to conform to the ISO-8601 standard. Repeating intervals are not supported.
•Example 1: For setting an interval with 'start date' and the 'end date' we use '2020-10-01T14:15Z/2020-11-20T16:00Z'.
•Example 2: For setting an interval with 'start date' and 'duration' we use '2020-10-01T14:15Z/P2DT5H45M'.
•Example 3: For setting an interval with 'duration' and the 'end date' we use 'P1DT1H45M/2020-11-01T14:15Z'.
•Example 4: For setting an interval with only 'duration' which will go in past from instance of now we use 'PT21H45M'.