<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Raynet One Data Hub > 14.0 u1 > Connectors > Alphabetic Connector List > Salesforce SOQL Connector Setup |
•Enter the SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) query string that is passed to the query endpoint of the Salesforce API into the SOQL QUERY field. Information on how to use the SOQL syntax can be found in the official documentation. |
•Enter the URL to the endpoint of the server into the SERVER URL field. •Enter the username of the BASIC authentication into the USERNAME field. •Depending on the chosen authentication method, it is necessary to enter the relevant information in at least one of the following fields: oCLIENT ID oSECURITY TOKEN oPASSWORD oRSA PRIVATE KEY (PEM, PKCS#8) |