Oracle Database Feature Usage Statistics

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Oracle Database Feature Usage Statistics

This article is about Oracle database feature usage metering and related tools made available by Raynet One. Oracle databases are the central place of data storage for many applications. Information is structured according to the needs of special applications, but it is usually open for usage analysis. By collecting and verifying structural patterns in your Oracle databases, you can estimate which applications use your Oracle databases and in which quantity. Deliver key database metrics about live data on your running Oracle databases to aid device management decisions, in the aim to improve device performance or foresee device resource shortage.

Report tab

This tab is part of the Oracle database details view. The statistics of Oracle databases are matched with known product descriptions. The matching's result is an overview of active Oracle database products and their features or options. Use the information provided by this tab to solve the Oracle licensing question using hard-as-concrete evidence, fetched directly from live Oracle instances of your environment. Multiple Java versions as well as authentication strategies are supported. Statistics fetched using DFUS scripting may contribute to the result.




The report tab of an Oracle Database 19c Enterprise instance. It lists all known installed Oracle products and their detected options. The listed product names (Flashback Data Archive, Real Application Testing, ...) are taken from official Oracle sources, simplifying the paperwork for the license management department.

DFUS scripting

Devices which run Oracle databases can be accessed using the SQL*Plus tool by Oracle. This tool accepts queries written in a special notation, allowing you to maintain and read the Oracle database. Consult the official documentation to find out more about the query's form and the complete set of SQL*Plus features.


To find out how to install SQL*Plus along the runner, check the chapter dedicated to it.




The Database feature usage statistics script input box of the Oracle Service Scanner instrument settings. This instrument is part of the Oratrack Oracle Inventory plugin. Put your SQL*Plus script into this input box to request its execution during Oracle database inventory. Check the instrument log for script execution details. The script is passed to the SQL*Plus program using the Java-based Oratrack utility.