Supported Desktop Systems

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RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager > 3.1 u11 > User Guide > Applications > Package Details > Targets > Targets for MacOS Packages 

Supported Desktop Systems

For the Supported Desktop Systems option it is necessary to choose the desktop OS that are supported on a "from ... to" basis.




When clicking into the from or into the to field, a list of available choices will be shown. If an OS has been selected in the from field, only this OS or newer OS will be available for selection in the to field. If an OS has been selected in the to field, only this OS or older OS will be available for selection in the from field. The following desktop OS systems are available:


Apple Mac OS 10.12

Apple Mac OS 10.13

Apple Mac OS 10.14

Apple Mac OS 10.15

Apple Mac OS 11

Apple Mac OS 12

Apple Mac OS 13

Apple Mac OS 14