User Experience

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RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager > 3.1 u11 > User Guide > Endpoint Security > Update compliance > Update Management Package Details 

User Experience

In the User Experience tab the available settings regarding the user interaction and the update schedule are shown.




Currently one of the following settings regarding the updated behavior will be selected as Automatic update behavior. Depending on the selected behavior further settings can be available in this tab.




Available Settings

Notify Download

If this option is selected, the user will be notified when an update is being downloaded.


Auto install at maintenance time

This option is used to define a period during which updates are suppressed. Updates will only be installed outside of the defined period.

Active hours start

Active hours end

Auto install and restart at scheduled times

If this option is used, a period during which updates will be suppressed need to be defined. Outside of this period, updates will be installed and a restart will occur.

Active hours start

Active hours end

Auto install and restart at scheduled times

If this option is used, updates will be installed and a restart will occur at a scheduled day and time that is defined using the settings linked to this option.

Scheduled install day

Scheduled install time

Auto install and reboot without end-user control

If this option is selected, the end-user has no influence on the update and reboot behavior.


Reset to default

If this option is used, the updates will be automatically downloaded and the user will be notified when they are ready to install.



The further available settings and their link to the selected update behavior are shown below.


Auto Install at Maintenance Time Settings


Value / Range


Active hours start

12 AM

1 AM

2 AM

3 AM

4 AM

5 AM

6 AM

7 AM

8 AM

9 AM

10 AM

11 AM

12 PM

1 PM

2 PM

3 PM

4 PM

5 PM

6 PM

7 PM

8 PM

9 PM

10 PM

11 PM

The start time of the period during which restarts due to update installations will be suppressed.

Active hours end

12 AM

1 AM

2 AM

3 AM

4 AM

5 AM

6 AM

7 AM

8 AM

9 AM

10 AM

11 AM

12 PM

1 PM

2 PM

3 PM

4 PM

5 PM

6 PM

7 PM

8 PM

9 PM

10 PM

11 PM

The end time of the period during which restarts due to update installations will be suppressed.


Auto Install and Restart at Maintenance Time Settings


Value / Range


Active hours start

12 AM

1 AM

2 AM

3 AM

4 AM

5 AM

6 AM

7 AM

8 AM

9 AM

10 AM

11 AM

12 PM

1 PM

2 PM

3 PM

4 PM

5 PM

6 PM

7 PM

8 PM

9 PM

10 PM

11 PM

The start time of the period during which restarts due to update installations will be suppressed.

Active hours end

12 AM

1 AM

2 AM

3 AM

4 AM

5 AM

6 AM

7 AM

8 AM

9 AM

10 AM

11 AM

12 PM

1 PM

2 PM

3 PM

4 PM

5 PM

6 PM

7 PM

8 PM

9 PM

10 PM

11 PM

The end time of the period during which restarts due to update installations will be suppressed.


Auto Install and Restart at Scheduled Time Settings




Scheduled install day

Any Day








The day for the installation of scheduled updates.

Scheduled install time

12 AM

1 AM

2 AM

3 AM

4 AM

5 AM

6 AM

7 AM

8 AM

9 AM

10 AM

11 AM

12 PM

1 PM

2 PM

3 PM

4 PM

5 PM

6 PM

7 PM

8 PM

9 PM

10 PM

11 PM

The time for the installation of scheduled updates.