Registry Entry

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RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager > 3.1 u11 > User Guide > Applications > Package Details > Registry > Add a Registry Entry 

Registry Entry

In the Registry Entry tab the basic information for the registry key is defined.




The following settings are available in the Registry Entry tab.


ROOT KEY: Select the root key from the dropdown menu. The following options are available.

oHKEY_CLASSES_ROOT: Select this option if the registry entry should be set for both, the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.

oHKEY_CURRENT_USER: Select this option if the registry entry should be set in HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

oHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE: Select this option if the registry entry should be set in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

oHKEY_USERS: Select this option if the registry entry should be set in HKEY_USERS.

KEY: This field should contain the target key.

VALUE: Can be used to define a single value for the registry entry.

Write only if registry entry is missing: The checkbox can be used to define if the registry entry and its values should always be written or only if the registry entry does not exist.