Policy Merge Options

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RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager > 3.1 u11 > User Guide > Appendix I: Preference Settings for Managed Devices > Preference Setting Listing By Behavior > Types of Behavior 

Policy Merge Options

These settings influence how RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager merges Active Directory group policies. For managed devices that do not use Active Directory group policies, no policy merging is performed. Instead, the location of the policy is specified by BootstrappedPolicy.



AutoDetectDC - determines how RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager selects a domain controller for client-side policy merging.

EnablePolicyFailOver - specifies whether a server-side policy file should be applied if a client-side policy file is unavailable.

HideMachineUI - determines whether RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager displays a user interface when applying a machine policy.

LauncherCommandLine - specifies the installation agent command-line options to pass to RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager when applying policy information.

MinimumDCSpeed - determines the minimum speed between the managed device and domain controller that is required to apply client-side policies.

RetryPolicy - determines whether RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager will attempt to retrieve RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager policies when the managed device boots if no machine schedule exists on the managed device.

RetryPolicyCommand - specifies the command used to retrieve a policy if RetryPolicy is set to True.



MachinePolicyDirectory - specifies the location in which to save the current machine policy.

MachinePolicyPackageDirectory - specifies the location where package information associated with machine policy is cached.

PolicyComplianceLog - specifies the location where RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager uploads policy compliance log files from the managed device.

PolicySource - specifies the location where the policy is generated.