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RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager > 3.1 u11 > User Guide > Appendix I: Preference Settings for Managed Devices > Alphabetical Listing of Preference Settings for Managed Devices 




This setting is only used if managed devices are configured for peer-to-peer file sharing (AllowPeerToPeer is True) and IgnoreConnectionWindows is False.


It specifies the time periods during which the RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager peer download agent can download packages from its closest distribution server and upload status information to reporting locations (To specify the time periods during which downloads from peer managed devices are allowed use PeerConnectionWindows.).


Downloads in progress at the end of a time period will be stopped immediately and subsequent downloads of the same file will continue from that point.



Be aware:

When remote execution operations require data to be uploaded or downloaded these operations override the peer-to-peer settings.


Also see AllowPeerToPeer, PeerConnectionWindows, and IgnoreConnectionWindows.


Values / Range:

String in HHMM-HHMM:PP, HHMM-HHMM:PP format where:

HHMM is a local time in 24 hour format (0000-2359). If not specified, the time period is the whole day. If the end time is earlier than the start time, it is assumed to be for the following day. For example, 0400-0100 specifies the period between 4 am on the first day and 1 am on the following day.

PP is a percentage of the end-to-end bandwidth that can be used by this managed device (optional). How the maximum available bandwidth is calculated is described in PeerMaxRate. The amount of the bandwidth available for a managed device is the maximum rate divided by the number of peers conducting transfers (regardless of the distribution server used by the peers).

Multiple non-overlapping periods separated by commata can be specified.

Default value:


Example value:

2300-0100:85 (between 11 pm and 1 am at 85% of the available bandwidth)



Installed by:

Installation of RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager on a managed device (Computer setting)

User setting:

Not available

Computer setting:
