<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager > 3.1 u11 > User Guide > Appendix I: Preference Settings for Managed Devices > Preference Setting Listing By Behavior > Types of Behavior Network Speed and Connection Options |
The following settings influence how RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager uses networks for operations.
•MinimumDCSpeed - determines the minimum speed between the managed device and domain controller that is required to apply client-side policies.
•NetworkHighSpeed (Installation Agent) - determines the lowest network speed to consider to be a high-speed network connection.
•NetworkHighSpeed (Upload Agent) - determines the lowest network speed to consider to be a high-speed network connection.
•NetworkHighUsage - specifies the maximum bandwidth for high-speed connections.
•NetworkLowUsage - specifies the maximum bandwidth for low-speed connections.
•NetworkMaxRate (Installation Agent) - determines the rate at which the managed device accesses data over the network.
•NetworkMaxRate (Upload Agent) - determines the rate at which the managed device accesses data over the network.
•NetworkMinSpeed (Installation Agent) - determines the minimum network speed at which RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager will install or update a package.
•NetworkMinSpeed (Upload Agent) - determines the minimum network speed at which RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager will install or update a package.
Protocols, Addresses, and Authentication
•LogonServer - determines the name of the logon server computer to which the managed device normally connects.
•ConnectionAttempts - specifies the number of times that a no connection is available error can be reported while trying to connect to a particular distribution location as a file share.
•EventNetType - determines the type of network connections that are required to start events that only trigger if a network is available.
•HighestPriority - determines the highest upload / download priority that can be assigned to a distribution server.
•LowestPriority - determines the lowest upload / download priority that can be assigned to a distribution server.
•ndsensNetType - determines what type of network connections are monitored.
•ndsensNetUp - determines which command is executed once the ndsensNetType property deems to have a network connection.
•NetworkRetries - specifies the number of times failed network operations are retried before an alternative distribution location is attempted.
•NetworkSense (Installation Agent) - determines whether network checks are bypassed.
•NetworkSense (Inventory Agent) - determines whether network checks are bypassed.
•NetworkSense (Upload Agent) - determines whether network checks are bypassed.
•NetworkTimeout (Installation Agent) - specifies the number of seconds of inactivity before a network operation will time out.
•NetworkTimeout (Upload Agent) - specifies the number of seconds of inactivity before a network operation will time out.
•SelectorAlgorithm - the algorithm(s) used to determine relative priorities in selecting the distribution server to use for uploads / downloads.