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RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager > 3.1 u11 > User Guide > Administration > Device Schedules > Add a Device Schedule > Add an Event > Trigger 




If Monthly has been selected the following options can be configured.


AT: This is the time at which the event will be executed. It is possible to define a time within 00:00 and 23:59.

RUN THE EVENT: This specifies when the event should run. There are two ways to configure this setting.

oOn day: If this option is chosen, choose a number between 1 - 30. The event will be executed on this day of the selected months.



Be aware:

When configuring this option, keep in mind that the days of a month vary between 28 and 31 days.


oOn the: If this option has been chosen, there are two fields for configuration. In the first field there are the following options: First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Last. This field defines which occurrence of the weekday that can be selected in the second field will be chosen.

Months: There is a checkbox for every month of the year. If a day is checked, this month is included in the run. If it is unchecked, the event will not trigger during this month.


Example: If AT is set to 13:00, RUN THE EVENT is set to On the and the options Third and Wednesday have been chosen for it, and in Months FEBRUARY and AUGUST are checked, the event will be triggered at 01:00 PM on the third Wednesday of February and of August.