<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager > 3.1 u11 > User Guide > Applications > Package Details > Targets > Targets for MacOS Packages Supported Languages |
The Supported Languages option can either be set to All languages (default), Only these languages (the checked languages are valid), or All except these languages (the checked languages will be omitted).
When Only these languages or All except these languages is chosen, the + Add Language button will become visible. Click on the button to open the Add Target Language dialog. Use the checkboxes in the dialog to add all relevant languages to the list. Those languages that have been checked will later be shown underneath the option. In order to delete a language from the list, hover over the language and click on the small x button that will be shown.
The following languages are available in the Add Target Language dialog:
•Portugese (Portugal) •Chinese (Traditional) •Norvegian (Nynorsk) •Hungarian •Arabic •Thai •German •Chinese (Simplified) •Chinese (Hong Kong) •Danisch •Greek •Hebrew •Turkish •Polish |
•French •Russian •Dutch •Italian •Slovakian •Swedish •Portugese (Brazil) •English •Slovenian •Spanish •Finnish •Japanese •Korean •Czech |