<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Inventory Options |
The following settings determine how RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager performs inventory collection on managed devices:
•Compress (Inventory Agent) - determines whether inventory files are compressed before being uploaded.
•GenerateMD5 - specifies whether or not to calculate the MD5 digest of files being tracked by the inventory agent.
•Inventory - specifies the location to which inventory files are uploaded.
•InventoryDirectory - specifies a custom directory for the storage of inventory data.
•InventoryFile - identifies the file name of the local copy of the inventory file.
•LowProfile (Installation Agent, Inventory Agent) - determines the CPU priority of RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager on the managed device.
•MachineInventoryDirectory - determines the location in which to store machine inventories.
•MachineZeroTouchDirectory - determines the location in which to store machine inventories in case of a remote call.
•ManageSoftPackages - determines the installed software packages.
•MinInventoryInterval - specifies the minimum interval (in hours) between the collection of inventories.
•NetworkSense (Inventory Agent) - determines whether network checks are bypassed for uploads performed by the inventory agent.
•ProgressDepth - specifies the number of the directory levels to search at the initialization to approximate the number of directories searched during tracking.
•SMBIOSCmdLine - specifies a command-line for non-WMI hardware inventory collection.
Options to Control Custom Scripts on Inventory Data
•InventoryScriptsDir - determines the location of scripts to be run before inventory data is uploaded through the distribution hierarchy.
•RunInventoryScripts - specifies if scripts should be run on inventory data prior to uploading inventory data through the distribution hierarchy.
Options to Control Differential Inventory
•Difference - determines whether RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager will perform differential inventories rather than full inventories.
•GenerationMax - defines the number of differential inventories that may take place before a full inventory is performed.
•IncrementalDiff - specifies what differences the differential inventory will collect if differential inventory is in use.
Options to Determine Inventory Inclusions and Exclusions
•ExcludeDirectory - specifies folders to exclude from the inventory.
•ExcludeExtension - specifies file extensions to exclude from the inventory.
•ExcludeFile -specifies files to exclude from the inventory.
•ExcludeMD5 - specifies an MD5 checksum. Files that match the checksum are excluded from the inventory.
•ExcludePermissionsMask - specifies an octal mask for file permissions. Files that match the mask are excluded from the inventory.
•Hardware - determines whether to track hardware in the machine context.
•IncludeDirectory - specifies a specific folder to include into the inventory.
•IncludeExtension - specifies file extensions to include into the inventory.
•IncludeFile - specifies files to include into the inventory.
•IncludeMD5 - specifies whether a file matching a specific MD5 digest is to be included in the inventory.
•IncludePermissionsMask - specifies an octal mask for file permissions. Files that match the mask are to be included in the inventory.
•IncludeRegistryKey - specifies the registry keys or values to include in the inventory.
•MSI - determines whether Microsoft Installer (MSI) packages are included in the inventory.
•PlatformSpecificPackages - specifies whether the information about non-Windows, platform-specific packages is included in the inventory.
•VersionInfo - determines whether file version header information is included in the inventory.
How RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager Uses Inventory and Exclusion Settings
For file tracking, many of the inventory preferences work together to determine whether files are included in an inventory file. RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager determines this in the following way:
1.RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager first identifies which folders to track during the inventory process. Only folders identified by the IncludeDirectory setting are included, unless they are also identified by the ExcludeDirectory setting (ExcludeDirectory settings override IncludeDirectory settings).
2.For each file within a folder explicitly included in the inventory, RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager performs the following steps to determine whether to include the file in its inventory file. All Exclude settings override Include settings.
3.RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager determines whether the file is explicitly included or excluded, based on whether the values of ExcludeMD5 and IncludeMD5 match the MD5 checksum value of the file.
4.If the file is not explicitly included or excluded, RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager determines whether the file name is explicitly included or excluded, based on the values of ExcludeFile and IncludeFile.
5.If the file name is not explicitly included or excluded, RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager determines whether the file extension is explicitly included or excluded based on the values of ExcludeExtension and IncludeExtension.
6.If the file extension is not explicitly included or excluded, it is deemed to be excluded from the inventory file.
Be aware: By default, .exe and .dll file extensions are included. This can be overridden by setting IncludeExtension to NULL or any other value. |
In this example, the following values are set:
•Recurse = True
•IncludeDirectory = C:\Program Files\
•IncludeFile = template.dot
•ExcludeExtension = dot
RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager evaluates the files C:\Program Files\Common Files\template.dot and C:\Program Files\Common Files\master.dot in the following way:
•Because both files are within a subfolder of C:\Program Files\, RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager will evaluate them for inclusion / exclusion.
•There are no IncludeMD5 or ExcludeMD5 settings to evaluate, so RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager cannot explicitly include or exclude the file and moves on to evaluate file names.
•The IncludeMD5 setting specifically shows that template.dot should be included. It does not explicitly include or exclude master.dot, so RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager moves on to evaluate file extensions.
•The dot extension is explicitly excluded so master.dot is excluded. Because template.dot has already been explicitly included, its file extension is not evaluated.