Installation Agent

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RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager > 3.1 u11 > User Guide > Administration > Device Settings > Device Settings Details > Default Device Settings 

Installation Agent



Default Value


Connection attempts


Specifies the number of times the installation agent should try to connect to the distribution server.

Detect application version conflicts


Specifies whether the installation agent detects and fails differing versions of single applications.

HTTP proxy


Specifies the proxy URL to be used by the installation agent.




Default Value


Log file


Specifies the name of the file used to store the logging information.

Log file size


Specifies the maximum size of the log file.

Log level


Specifies the logging level for the policy agent. For detailed information on logging refer to Appendix II: Logging on Managed Devices.

Old log file


Specifies the name of the file in which additional logging information is stored.


Bandwidth Settings


Default Value


Network high speed


Specifies the lowest network speed (in bits per second) that the RMS UEM AppCenter will consider to be a high speed network connection to a server.

Network high usage


Specifies the maximum percentage of bandwidth that the RMS UEM AppCenter uses for uploads and downloads on a high-speed connection.

Network high usage lower limit


Specifies the minimum Network high usage value that can be set for a managed device by an end-user moving the bandwidth usage slider control in the installation agent.

Network high usage upper limit


Specifies the maximum Network high usage value that can be set for a managed device by an end-user moving the bandwidth usage slider control in the installation agent.

Network low usage


Specifies the maximum percentage of bandwidth that the RMS UEM AppCenter uses for uploads and downloads on a low-speed connection.

Network low usage lower limit


Specifies the minimum Network low usage value that can be set for a managed device by an end-user moving the bandwidth usage slider control in the installation agent.

Network low usage upper limit


Specifies the maximum Network low usage value that can be set for a managed device by an end-user moving the bandwidth usage slider control in the installation agent.

Network max rate


Specifies the bytes per second at which the managed device accesses the data over the network. The setting is not used if the network speed setting can be determined and the network high speed is set to a non-zero value.

Network min speed


Specifies the minimum network speed (in bits per second) for the RMS UEM AppCenter to initiate a check for updates.

Network retries


Specifies the number of times a failed network operation is retried before an alternative download location is attempted.

Network timeout


Specifies the length of time in seconds of inactivity after which a network operation will time out.


File Handling


Default Value


No stage


Specifies whether the files are downloaded directly to their destination folder or a staging area.

Force shared file remove


Specifies whether the deletion of redundant files in the Windows system folder is allowed.

Stage inactive packages


Specifies whether inactive packages are staged before the installation occurs.


MSI Package Processing


Default Value


Msi reinstall features


Specifies which MSI component will be installed.

This option is Windows only!

Msi reinstall mode level


Specifies what will be reinstalled.

This option is Windows only!

Msi repair


Specifies whether the repairs are performed at the same time as the RMS UEM AppCenter self-healing operations.

This option is Windows only!

Msi repair level


Specifies what will be repaired.

This option is Windows only!

Msi source location

Windows installer cache

Specifies whether Windows Installer packages are installed from the local Windows Installer cache of the managed device or from a distribution location.

This option is Windows only!

Msi UI level


Specifies the user interaction level for MSI.

This option is Windows only!

Msi uninstall args


Specifies the arguments for uninstall operations to include in the MSI command-line.

This option is Windows only!




Default Value


Allow reboot if locked


Specifies whether the RMS UEM AppCenter reboots the managed device even if the machine is locked if the package being installed requires it.

Allow reboot if server


Specifies whether the RMS UEM AppCenter reboots the managed device if it is a server. This setting is only used by the adoption agent.

Allow timeout if locked


Specifies whether the RMS UEM AppCenter reboot events wait for the machine to become unlocked before proceeding with a reboot.

Always display reboot


Specifies whether the RMS UEM AppCenter displays a warning to the user before performing any reboot required by a package installation.

Continue after command failure


Specifies whether to proceed with the requested reboot if the prereboot command returns a non-zero exit code.

Display the shutdown button


Displays a Shutdown button to the users on the reboot dialog in addition to the Reboot button.

Force reboot


Specifies whether the RMS UEM AppCenter forces a reboot if the package installed requires it. This setting suppresses any user interaction required to close other applications that may be running.

Force reboot if locked


Specifies whether the RMS UEM AppCenter performs a forced reboot if the machine is locked.

Force reboot window to top


Forces the reboot dialog to be the top window during the final stage of user prompting

Post reboot command


Specifies the command to be run after a RMS UEM AppCenter requested reboot occurs.

Pre reboot command


Specifies the command to be run before a RMS UEM AppCenter requested reboot occurs.

Prompt cycle wait time


Specifies the length of the reboot prompt cycles in seconds.

Reboot command-line


Specifies the command used to perform a reboot on the managed device.

Reboot if required


Specifies the default response to dialogs that prompt the user to allow a reboot.

Reboot log file


Specifies the name of the file in which to store the logging information.

Reboot path


Specifies the full path to the command-line used to reboot managed devices.

Reboot prompt cycles


Specifies the number of times the user is prompted to reboot. The user is given the option to reboot or to postpone until these cycles are completed.

Security patch reboot if required


Specifies the default response to dialogs displayed during security patch installation that prompts the user to allow a reboot..

Unlimited reboot prompting


If set to Yes, this is the equivalent to an infinite number of Reboot prompt cycles.




Default Value




Specifies whether self-healing should occur. True means that all packages on this endpoint should self-heal. False means that no packages on this endpoint should self-heal. Any other value means, that self-healing is only attempted on packages with a custom property whose name matches the value of SelfHeal.



The custom property value is not used but it must not have a non-empty value to take effect.