Install or Update RMS UEM AppCenter Failover Locations

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RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager > 3.1 u11 > User Guide > Administration > Device Schedules > Add a Device Schedule > Edit an Event > General 

Install or Update RMS UEM AppCenter Failover Locations



When Install or update RMS UEM AppCenter failover location is selected as EVENT TYPE, the following further options for configuration are available:


Select one of the following (this setting will override the current setting of the device for this specific event):

oRMS UEM AppCenter managed device's current user interaction level: The level currently set on the device will be used.

oFull user interaction: There is no limit to the user interaction regarding this event, even if the setting of the device normally limits the user interaction.

oNo user interaction or user interface: For this event, no user interaction is possible and no user interface will be shown, no matter the general setting of the device.

oInteraction only when error occur: User interaction for this event will only be possible if an error occurs, otherwise no user interaction will be possible.

oA progress window, but no user interaction: The end-user will be shown a progress window, but he will not be able to otherwise interact.

DISPLAY THE CHOSEN USER INTERFACE ONLY IF A PACKAGE CHANGES: This checkbox can be used to limit the times when the user interface will be shown. If set to Yes, the user interface will only be shown if a package is changed and it will not be shown if no package is changed during the event.