How to Configure Settings in the Global Configuration File

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How to Configure Settings in the Global Configuration File

The file is in the standard Windows .ini file format and can be edited with any text editor. For example, WordPad.

Any settings configured in this file are set in the format: name=value

Each name/value is configured inside a section named (in square brackets) for the agent being configured, such as [Launcher].








RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager refers to a number of locations when evaluating the precedence of preference settings on a managed device. The order of the settings is as follows (highest to lowest):


1.command-line arguments.

2.Any settings read from the UserAlternateRegistryHive.

3.User preferences, taken from:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\...

4.Any settings read from MachineAlternateRegistryHive.

5.Computer settings, taken from:

6.Network settings taken from the file on the network specified by URL or UNC in the registry setting GlobalConfigSource.

7.RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager factory defaults.