Bandwidth Optimization Options

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RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager > 3.1 u11 > User Guide > Appendix I: Preference Settings for Managed Devices > Preference Setting Listing By Behavior > Types of Behavior 

Bandwidth Optimization Options

The following settings can be used to optimize the bandwidth on managed devices:


MinimumDCSpeed - specifies the minimum network speed to the domain controller for RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager to perform a client-side policy merge.

NetworkHighSpeed (Installation Agent) - specifies the lowest network speed for a network to be considered a high-speed network connection.

NetworkHighSpeed (Upload Agent) - specifies the lowest network speed for a network to be considered a high-speed network connection.

NetworkHigUsage - specifies the maximum percentage of bandwidth used on a high-speed connection.

NetworkHighUsageLowerLimit - specifies the minimum NetworkHighUsage value that can be set for a managed device.

NetworkHighUsageUpperLimit - specifies the maximum NetworkHighUsage value that can be set for a managed device.

NetworkLowUsage - specifies the maximum percentage of bandwidth used on a low-speed connection.

NetworkLowUsageLowerLimit - specifies the minimum NetworkLowUsage value that can be set for a managed device.

NetworkLowUsageUpperLimit - specifies the maximum NetworkLowUsage value that can be set for a managed device.

NetworkMaxRate (Installation Agent) - specifies the maximum absolute bandwidth used (if other settings do not override).

NetworkMaxRate (Upload Agent) - specifies the maximum absolute bandwidth used (if other settings do not override).

NetworkMinSpeed (Installation Agent) - specifies the minimum speed required before RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager will access the network.

NetworkMinSpeed (Upload Agent) - specifies the minimum speed required before RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager will access the network.

NetworkSense (Installation Agent) - determines whether network checks are bypassed.

NetworkSense (Inventory Agent) - determines whether network checks are bypassed.

NetworkSense (Upload Agent) - determines whether network checks are bypassed.