<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager > 3.1 u11 > User Guide Appendix VI: Silent Installation for Managed Devices |
In order to install the RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager Windows Agent silently it is necessary to create a script and execute the following steps:
•The first step is the installation of the managed device using the ManageSoft for managed devices.msi with:
oINSTALLDIR, /L*V, and /qn.
•The second step is the installation of the schedule package using the ndschedag.exe that can be found in the Schedule Agent folder of the installation directory defined in the first step:
o-t machine <.../Managed Device Default Machine Schedule/Default Machine Schedule.nds> -o UserInteractionLevel=Quiet
•The final step is the installation of the default policy using the mgspolicy.exe that can be found in the Policy Client folder of the installation directory defined in the first step.
o-t machine -s "$(ScheduleRootURL)/Policies/Merged/$(URLComputerDomain)Machine/$(MachineId).nlp" -o UserInteractionLevel=Quiet