Add a Package Assignment to an Endpoint

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RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager > 3.1 u11 > User Guide > Endpoints > Computer Devices > Device Details > Direct Assignments 

Add a Package Assignment to an Endpoint

With the Add package assignment dialog, it is possible to add a new package assignment from the list of the available packages to the device. It contains three different tabs:


General tab

Postponement tab

Lifetime tab



Best Practice:

Avoid assigning a package that has already been assigned (and installed on a managed device). This should always be avoided, even if it is a different version, as this might lead to some unpredictable results regarding the actual installations and install states.

Before assigning the package, first unassign the old package. Then ensure that the policy has been updated and the inventory has been executed. Only after these steps has been executed, the new assignment should be committed.

In case the package stays installed on the managed device (no exclusive setting) it can be expected that the upgrade of the existing package will be done correctly and the install states will be updated accordingly.