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Our Raynet support team gladly assists you on any questions or issues you encounter regarding RayFlow. Feel free to sign in and open incidents via our Raynet support panel.
Join the RaySuite Community
The RaySuite community resides within our Knowledge Base: https://raynet.de/Support/. Once you have signed up for access to the Raynet support panel, you automatically have access to the Knowledge Base, too.
You will surely come to a point where you would love to suggest a new feature for the future development of RayFlow. Maybe you need to find some tips & tricks to hit your target right. The RaySuite community is your place for discussing such topics, for sharing and expanding your own experience.
Step in contact with Raynet's testers, evaluators, and consultants in order to learn how to polish your quality assurance activities to a level of highest quality standards. Since Raynet has years and years of experience, we know what to do, and how to do it. Do not row your boat alone when you have the chance to join our RaySuite community for free.
Our sales team is the right contact for any license or edition question you might encounter. You would like to benefit from a professional RayFlow training? Ask for dates and locations to find the fitting training occasion. You are highly welcome to step in contact via sales@raynet.de.