<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> RayFlow Client > 7.4 u1 > User Guide > Troubleshooting Logging RayFlow Client Activity Fails |
RayFlow Client usually logs system activity in a file called RayFlow Client.log, which is stored within the local application data directory (e. g., %APPDATA%).
There may be reasons that prevent the log from being written. Please follow the steps described below in order to eliminate the most likely reasons for logging issues:
By default the log file location for RayFlow Client is set to %APPDATA%\Raynet\RayFlow\Logs. To change the target log location:
1. Navigate to the RayFlow Client application root directory, and open the RayFlow.exe config file. (e. g., C:\Program Files (x86)\RayFlowClient\\RayFlow.exe.config)
2. Search for the file tag and check the given value. By default it is set to %property{LogDirectory}\RayFlow.log.
3. Replace the value with the desired target location.
To check whether the currently logged in windows user profile has sufficient access to the log file location:
1.Navigate to the RayFlow Client application root directory, and open the RayFlow.exe config file. (e. g., C:\Program Files (x86)\RayFlowClient\\RayFlow.exe.config)
2.Search for the file tag and read file name given as value attribute.
oIf it is a file name, such as the default value RayFlow Client.log.
oIf it is a relative path definition, the file is created relative to the application root directory.
oIf it is an absolute path, the file is created exactly at the specified location.
oIf it is empty - note the path to a location that is accessible for the currently logged in windows user profile and save the changed config file state
3.Browse to the specified location:
oIf the directories named within the path do not exist physically: create them.
oIf the directories named within the path actually do exist, check their security settings (right-click > properties > security > [current user] and make sure that the currently logged in user has writing access to the log file folder. (Ask your RaySuite system administrator for support if security settings are restricted as well.)
4.Close and re-open RayFlow Client. Login and load any RayFlow project.
5.A log file should have been created within the target log file location by now.
1.Please follow the instructions given above to make sure local and static locations are given correctly within the config file. Other possible locations for the log file creation may reside as a shared network location.
2.Try to copy the path into a windows explorer address bar to open the specified target address.
oIf the location is not available, there may be issues such as type errors, changed network shares or temporary network provision issues. Please adjust the path to a local destination as long as the network share is not available.
oIf the location is available, make sure that there are sufficient writing access permissions for the required windows user profile given.
oIf the location is accessible, make sure that there is enough free disk space for log file maintenance.
3.Try to create an arbitrary file at the specified target location (e. g., MyTextFile.txt).
oIf an error message is displayed, fix the mentioned issues and re-try.
4.Close and re-open RayFlow Client. Login and load any RayFlow project.
5.A log file should have been created within the target log file location by now.
1.Navigate to the RayFlow Client application root directory, and open the C:\Program Files (x86)\RayFlowClient\\RayFlow.exe.config file
2.Search for the maximumFileSize tag and check the given value. It has to be a full number followed by either "KB", "MB" or "GB" (without blank space in between).
3.Set the value to "2048KB"
4.Additionally, search for the level tag and check the given value. If it is set to OFF, logging is actually deactivated. Set the value to DEBUG.
5.Close and re-open RayFlow Client. Login and load any RayFlow project.
6.The log file should have been extended with new messages by now.
1.Navigate to the RayFlow Client application root directory, and open the file C:\Program Files (x86)\RayFlowClient\\RayFlow.exe.config
2.Search for the level tag and check the given value. Set it to ERROR to reduce the number of lines that are written to the log file.
3.Additionally, review the layout type definition(s). Edit the pattern to reduce the information written for each line of the log file. Please refer to the log4net online documentation for further details on how to accomplish this task.
4.Delete the existing log file, close and re-open RayFlow Client. Login and load any RayFlow project.
5.The log file content should have been adjusted to match the newly defined settings by now.
On systems where UAC is activated, there may be issues with writing to files which reside within the Windows Program Files directory. A simple workaround for these issues is to copy the file to a location where writing is allowed, execute and save the changes there, and finally copy the manipulated file back to the original location.
In most cases this should suffice. If this solution does not work, contacting the system administrator is due.
If all of the typical issues named above are reviewed and eliminated as possible issue reasons, please contact your RaySuite / RayFlow Client system administrator, or contact the Raynet support team via our Support Panel for further advice.